BigFile BigFile is a small .COM program for DOS/Windows environments that writes an oversize file to a series of 3 1/2" 1.44 MB diskettes, in a simple way. You don't have to wrestle with BACKUP and RESTORE or its more recent offspring. usage: /w (write) /r (read) /v (verify) drive (a: or b:) \path\bigfilename Example: "bigfile /w a: filename" writes filename to a series of diskettes in drive A. BigFile uses up all the space on the diskettes, thus it overwrites all sectors. You must reformat the diskettes for other uses. Be sure to number your diskettes before writing to them. The number of disks required by BigFile is 1 + (big file length / 1474555). Bigfile is distributed as CareWare. CareWare Description BigFile is not FreeWare, nor is it ShareWare. It is one of the first in a new category of software called "CareWare." This means if you like the program and find it useful, you have to make a payment -- but not to the author. Instead you should make a contribution to a charitable organization, preferably one I like: Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2010 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 20036 Zero Population Growth, Inc. 1400 16th St. NW Washington, DC 20036 Obviously these are just SUGGESTIONS. You also may contribute to any worthwhile cause you believe in. And, if you can't make a generous contribution to a charity, there are some actions of a less expensive kind you can make that I will consider PAYMENT IN FULL: 1. If you are a parent and you normally smack your kids, restrain yourself for a week. Or longer. 2. Don't tease your little brother or sister. 3. Be nice to someone you don't know, for no apparent reason. 4. Or, if all these seem like too much trouble, just look outside at a tree and marvel. Neither you nor the tree will be around for very long. Disclaimer, Author This software is provided AS IS, with no warranty of any kind as to fitness or applicability to a particular purpose. The sole judge of this program's usefulness is the recipient. No product maintenance or updates will be provided, and the author is not responsible for direct or indirect loss or damage. BigFile is Copyright (C) 1995 P. Lutus.